Reactive Potential
Non-reactive with Copper, Sulfur / Selenium or Lead bearing glasses. However, it may react with Silver.
Forms of Glass
Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) and Rod (-0576)
Detailed Information
About 000034 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics
Uniform color.

Working Notes
Stable. No color shift.
Bullseye Compatible.
About 000034 Frit

See sheet glass notes for this style.
About 000034 Rod

Cold Characteristics
Translucent, milky peach.
Working Notes
Torch: Relatively translucent opalescent glass that is more opaque when used in thicker applications, such as a core bead. Sometimes small bubbles are evident while the glass is molten but these typically are not visible in the cold rod or the finished work.
Kiln: Working properties and kilnformed characteristics are consistent with sheet glass. See sheet glass notes for this style.