000139 Almond Opalescent

Almond Opal sheet glass swatch


Reactive Potential

Non-reactive. Neutral.

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050)

Detailed Information

About 000139 Sheet Glass
000139-0050 2mm Unfired Sheet
000139-0030 3mm Unfired Sheet
Cold Characteristics

May appear mostly transparent with lacy patches of color.

Almond Opal sheet glass swatch
000139-0030 Fused Tile
Working Notes

This style most often opalizes to a consistent almond/off-white color upon firing, though may fire with lighter coloration, greater opacity, streaks, and/or mottling. We recommend firing a small sample because these fired characteristics are not evident in the unfired sheet/material. Expect variation.

Bullseye Compatible.