000309 Cinnabar Opalescent




This style may not reveal (strike to) its target color until fired.

Reactive Potential

Contains: Sulfur (S) / Selenium (Se)
May React With: Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), and Silver (Ag)

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) and Rod (-0576)

Detailed Information

About 000309 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics
000309-0030 3mm Unfired Sheet
000309-0050 2mm Unfired Sheet

May appear very muted gray/brown with streaks or variation in color density.

Working Notes
000309-0030 Fused Tile

Matures to a red/cinnabar color. May appear slightly dappled.

This style is not suitable for kilncasting because it can become incompatible when held at high temperatures for an extended period. It may also become incompatible in instances where processes exceed the parameters of the test for compatibility. Testing recommended when heatwork exceeds these parameters.

Bullseye Compatible.

About 000309 Frit
Working Notes
000309-0003 Coarse Frit
000309-0002 Medium Frit
000309-0001 Fine Frit
000309-0008 Powder

This style is not suitable for kilncasting because it can become incompatible when held at high temperatures for an extended period. It may also become incompatible in instances where processes exceed the parameters of the test for compatibility. Testing recommended when heatwork exceeds these parameters.

About 000309 Rod
Cold Characteristics
000309-0576 Rod


Working Notes

This style is not suitable for kilncasting because it can become incompatible when held at high temperatures for an extended period. It may also become incompatible in instances where processes exceed the parameters of the test for compatibility. Testing recommended when heatwork exceeds these parameters.

Torch: Depending on the heatwork of the glass, as indicated by color when it is put into an annealing kiln, a range of colors may be achieved. If this glass is put into an annealing kiln with a deep brown hue, a target Cinnabar color will result in the finished piece. If it is very light beige, as opposed to deep brown, and the desired result is Cinnabar, gradually cool and reheat the glass without bringing it to a soft state. Look for it to turn deep brown and then put it into an annealing kiln.

Kiln: Lighter color and greater opacity than in sheet glass form. Rod color is close to Burnt Orange Opalescent (000329) after a full fuse firing.