Reactive Potential
Non-reactive. Neutral.
Forms of Glass
Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050), Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008) Rod (-0576), Stringer (-0107, -0272) and Ribbon (-0401)
Detailed Information
About 000421 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics
Uniform color.
Working Notes

No color shift.
May not be suitable for kilncasting when using a plaster/silica mold, or similar refractory, combined with high temperatures for an extended period. This combination may result in a glass object with a heavily devitrified and sometimes crazed surface. Testing recommended.
We have observed successful kilncastings with 000421 in open-faced, ceramic molds with separators ZYP/boron nitride or Bullseye Shelf Primer. We have also observed success using 000421 in processes where heatwork exceeds the test for compatibility without the use of a plaster/silica refractory mold. Testing recommended.
Bullseye Compatible.
About 000421 Frit

No color shift.
May not be suitable for kilncasting when using a plaster/silica mold, or similar refractory, combined with high temperatures for an extended period. This combination may result in a glass object with a heavily devitrified and sometimes crazed surface. Testing recommended.
We have observed successful kilncastings with 000421 in open-faced, ceramic molds with separators ZYP/boron nitride or Bullseye Shelf Primer. We have also observed success using 000421 in processes where heatwork exceeds the test for compatibility without the use of a plaster/silica refractory mold. Testing recommended.
Bullseye Compatible.
About 000421 Rod
Cold Characteristics

Slightly translucent opalescent.
Working Notes
Torch: A stable pink that is not prone to reduction in a neutral flame.
Kiln: Working properties and kilnformed characteristics are consistent with sheet glass. See sheet glass notes for this style.
About 000421 Stringer

See sheet glass notes for this style.
About 000421 Ribbon

See sheet glass notes for this style.