Explore design possibilities with the property of displacement.
How This Project Works
Significant amounts of clear sheet and rod are fired over a palette of mediumsaturation sheet to displace the material directly underneath. This creates lighter areas by diluting the color to reveal more of the white base layer.
Lay-up: White base capped with Sea Blue and Khaki. Clear design elements are placed on top. This project produces one 9˝ × 9˝ (23 × 23 cm) plate, two 5˝ × 5˝ (13 × 13 cm) plates, and two 4˝ × 4˝ (10 × 10 cm) plates (plus rod and sheet left over for future projects).
Prepare the Clear Design Elements
- Cut three 1˝ × 1.5˝ pieces of Tekta.
- Cut six 1˝ lengths of rod. Look for a relatively clean break on the ends for similar volume in each piece. In this design, these pieces are fired lengthwise and are prone to roll if not secured properly. Option: Pre-fire the rod pieces to create a flat spot along one side, eliminating the need for holding agent. Fire the clean rod pieces on a primed kiln shelf with a little space around each one. (See Pre-Fire Firing schedule.)
- Cut six 8 mm lengths of rod. These will be placed on-end, so select pieces with relatively flat and smooth cross-sections. Cut a few extra so you can select the best. A Neo GC Cutter works well.)
Prepare the Sheet Glass
See the cutting charts on the next page. Following the numbered order of operations will ensure an accurate yield of cut pieces for the project. Ideally, the pieces will be close fitting, with minimal gaps at the seam. Use a wet diamond pad to remove any flared edges preventing a tight seam. You will also need to cut one 9˝ x 9˝ sheet of White.
Assemble the Design and Fuse
9˝ × 9˝ plate: Clean and assemble the pieces on inverted cups or blocks for easy handling. Place the White sheet glass smooth side up, then cap with the larger Sea Blue and Khaki pieces (also smooth side up). Clean the three Tekta rectangles. Starting about 1˝ (3 cm) from the perimeter, place the pieces over the seam, leaving about 0.5˝ between them. Overlap about one-quarter of each rectangle over the Sea Blue side.
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