Create a smooth, uniform surface on the shelf-side of your fired work.
The Details
- First, prepare a kilnshelf with Bullseye Shelf Primer (008220). Follow the instructions in our free video Preparing Kiln Shelves to prime and dry the shelf.
- Once the shelf has cooled, gently buff the surface with a sheet of standard copy paper.
- Tip the shelf upright with the primer side away from you and tap it lightly against a hard surface to knock off the loosened primer (to ease cleanup, tap the shelf onto a piece of butcher paper). Ideally, this will be done with local ventilation, wearing a NIOSH approved respirator.
- Note: The buffed surface is delicate. Avoid sliding pieces of sheet glass across it, as primer can collect in the seams.
- This technique is ideal for works with a single base sheet or minimal seams. We’re especially fond of the
- effect on iridized glass, though it’s equally effective on non-iridized opals & transparents.
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