000403 Opaline Opalescent

Opaline sheet glass swatch



This style may not reveal (strike to) its target color until fired.

Reactive Potential

Non-reactive. Neutral.

Forms of Glass

Sheet Glass (-0030, -0050) and Frit (-0001, -0002, -0003, -0008)

Detailed Information

About 000403 Sheet Glass
Cold Characteristics

Appears transparent and clear in its cold form. Occasional wisps of white are possible.

Working Notes

Requires a full fuse to strike to a hazy, milky white that transmits warm-hued light. Transmitted light varies based on thickness: Thinner pieces result in a yellow-ish hue, thicker pieces in a warmer almost orange hue. Opacity increases with extended heatwork.

Overlay Information

Opaline has great potential to expand the color palette in kilnforming because it has the ability to create new colors with distinct properties. For more information, see Opaline Overlays.

Helpful Resources

Bullseye Compatible.

About 000403 Frit
Working Notes

Read What to Expect from Opaline Frit.